We are bound by Constitution & Bylaws and our Club Rules.
Directors are elected at our Annual General Meeting.
Some committees are integral to the governance and work of the Club, and some are to pursue and share issues of common concern. Many committees welcome new members throughout the year, while membership in some is restricted to specific representation. Please email the Chair if you’re interested in joining.
We meet monthly to discuss and develop activities to stimulate interest in areas of education, from local to international, from personal to public, and from early childhood to the elderly. The Committee encourages collaboration with similar groups within UWCV and the community. Education is a lifelong journey. New members welcome. Brenda McNeill, Chair2
The Finance Committee provides financial review, approval, and guidance regarding safeguarding the financial assets and liabilities of the Club and HHPF. The Committee oversees and recommends as required to the respective Boards fiscal policy, capital expenditures, extraordinary expenditures, and investment policy. TBA, Chair3
The House Committee is committed to maintaining the buildings, contents, and grounds of Hycroft, a designated heritage property. Planning is coordinated by the House Chair and General Manager and executed by sub-committees and appointed planning teams in cooperation with the staff. Cathy Barford, Chair4
The Membership Committee works in cooperation with the Membership and Marketing Manager towards the recruitment and retention of members, intending to increase our Club membership. The Committee promotes and supports functions, events and programs to enhance member engagement. Jobina Bardai, Chair1
The UWCV Archives contain a treasure trove of information about the Club, HHPF, TFE, CFUW and the history of Hycroft and the McRae family. The committee meets on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am in the Archives on the third floor to access and arrange materials. Donations of minutes and other records are essential. Researchers’ questions are welcomed, and their schedules are always accommodated. Please call for an appointment. The committee is also responsible for formal group tours of Hycroft – for the benefit of HHPF. The committee welcomes new members. Cathy Barford, Chair2
Constitution & By-Laws
The Committee responds to requests from the Board for amendments to our Constitution & Bylaws and our Rules to ensure that these governing documents reflect current practice and that the Club follows the Societies Act of BC. Susan Davis, Chair3
Environment Committee
Combine your love of the natural world with the spirit of change. Learn from programming featuring authors, experts, and advocates, as well as our own members. Help us create interesting events and collaborative initiatives focusing on environmental issues of concern. Bring your creativity, imagination, and goodwill. We meet once a month and welcome all members. Gretchen Harlow, Chair4
Event Coordinating Committee
The Event Coordinating Committee ensures that programs and events presented at Hycroft are consistent with the goals and values of the UWCV and comply with the adopted rules and procedures of the Club. All events planned by members at Hycroft, including those of HHPF, TFE, Hycroft for the Holidays, and Interest Groups, must be planned and scheduled according to the Event Planning Procedures. Diane Oelmann, Chair5
This Continuing Committee’s mandate is to consult with the provincial, national and international University Women’s organizations and to inform Club members of the issues, activities and advantages of membership in these groups. The Committee is one of the UWCV advocacy committees and works to inform members of local, provincial, national, and international advocacy issues affecting women and to prepare or review advocacy resolutions and CFUW business items for Club members’ consideration. Members meet monthly – all are invited. Beryl Matthewson, Chair6
Health and Safety
The Health and Safety Committee ensures a safe and healthy environment for members, staff, and visitors within the Hycroft buildings and grounds. It is a Continuing Committee and acts as an advisory committee to the Board. Members of the committee are appointed for a two-year term and confirmed by the Board. Charlotte Burns, Chair
Subcommittees of House Committee
The Garden Committee members are caretakers for our wonderful property, which has numerous heritage trees, large rhododendrons, marvellous magnolia, and many flowering shrubs. With the help and advice of our gardeners (of over 40 years) and arborists, also of longstanding, our ongoing goal is to return the garden to its Edwardian roots. The committee meets on the first Monday of the month, and, from time to time, committee members participate in work parties, primarily to prune and weed. The committee welcomes new members. Cathy Barford, Laura Howard & Julia Lucey, Co-Chairs2
House Furnishings
The House Furnishings Committee is responsible for the maintenance and placement of any movable objects or furniture in the house and functions as a sub-committee of the House Committee. It would be much appreciated if members who notice any decorative objects or furniture that need cleaning, repair, or maintenance bring that to our attention. Feel free to e-mail us or leave a note to our attention with the office. Alix Bishop, Chair3
Interest Groups
The Chairs of this Committee and Convenors of all Interest Groups make up the membership of this Committee. Convenors should feel free to contact the Chair with questions, comments or suggestions regarding their group or interest groups in general. Any member wishing to form a new interest group should email uwcvinterestgroups@gmail.com to the Chairs, and please ensure that at least three UWCV members support the request. Krista Klein, Chair4
The Member Relations Advisory Committee
This committee is comprised of up to three appointed Board members plus the Member Relations Director (MRD) and meets at the call of the Chair. This Committee meets in full to update the UWCV Respectful Member Behaviour Policy and the Conflict Resolution Policy. At times, the MRD and another Member of the MRAC may meet to discuss and resolve complex Member Relations issues. The MRAC Members are committed to ensuring respectful Member behaviour amongst all members of the UWCV Community and adhering to strict confidentiality. TBA, Chair5
Policy and Procedures Committee
The Policy and Procedures Committee ensures that the Procedures Manual is updated throughout the year to serve as a ready reference for members and Board Directors on UWCV Policies and Procedures. The Procedures Manual can be found in the Members’ Area on the Club website. The Club Secretary chaired the Committee, which comprised current and former Board members. Meetings are held quarterly or at the call of the Chair. The committee welcomes members’ ideas on policy and procedures that the Club might need to consider. Susan Davis, Chair6
Status of Women & Human Rights
The mandate of the Status of Women and Human Rights (SWHR) Committee is to monitor human rights issues with specific attention to women’s rights and to advocate and take action where appropriate. We work closely with the Federation Committee on a few advocacy issues. Athena Estremadura, Chair7
Visual Arts
Visual Arts manages the Hycroft Gallery. That includes issuing calls for artists, jurying, scheduling, convening visual art exhibitions, and hosting opening receptions for the artists. Jo Swann, Chair